Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday Morning Gratitude

**Due to yesterday's cable outage, I wasn't able to post this yesterday.

Well, this week's Monday Morning Gratitude, is Tuesday Morning's Gratitude since I gave myself the day off yesterday!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.

I am incredibly grateful for the glorious weekend we had and the unbelievable weather. We deserve it, don't you think?

We had my sister's annual Memorial Day Picnic/Parade on Sunday which was a great day with family and friends. It's such a wonderfully pure holiday for us, just good food, laughter, friends and family. No stress of the holiday or out of control gift giving.

I am also grateful to have spent some much needed family time with my husband and daughter. We've been keeping such crazy schedules lately it was really nice to have some down time.

Faith marched in her first parade yesterday for karate. I was really proud! I also had the pleasure of seeing my neighbors' girls in our new high school's band, middle school band, and brownies.

I also am so grateful to our veteran's. My dad being a Marine Corp veteran--I am very proud. These men and women have such a tough job protecting our country, but they do so with dignity and honor. I extend my deepest gratitude to these unique breed of people!

May you have a fabulous week!

In gratitude,

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