Friday, May 2, 2008

What a Lovely Way to Start the Morning!

This week's guest blogger is Sandi...

Good Morning. :)

This morning while lying in bed looking out the bedroom windows to the backyard and watching the birds feed at the feeders, and listening to the spring bird songs I saw something so sweet :)

First, I will share that John and I have been watching a male cardinal in our little tree behind our back fence for a few weeks...he is all alone... comes and sits in the branches and stays there for long periods of time... 10 or 15 minutes at a time... not singing.. just being quiet.. and looking all around... as if he lost his mate.. or is looking for her... especially near the end of the day just before dark... He is incredibly deep, bright of the prettiest birds ever...

Today I watched a female cardinal come to the feeder...then, a few seconds later, the bright red male cardinal flew into the little tree beside the feeder. The female turned, looked at him, and immediately flew into the same little tree. Then the male flew to the feeder, while she waited on the tree branch. The male picked up a seed or two and flew immediately back to her on the branch, went over to her and placed the seed into her beak. Then he went back and got more food and brought it back to her and fed her...It was so wonderful to see! :) This went on for a minute or so.. and then they both flew off together.....

Ahhhh... don't you just LOVE spring??..... :)

Happy thoughts for a gentle spring day...


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