Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Power of Your Words

Most of us feel that when we're complaining we're just speaking our minds--except something else is going on here, too. When we complain we are focusing on what is wrong with our lives instead of what's right.

Here's an amusing story I found on the internet to put you in the right frame of mind:

A young monk joined an order that required total silence. At his discretion, the abbot could allow any monk to speak. It was nearly five years before the abbot approached the novice monk and said, "You may speak two words." Choosing his words carefully, the monk said, "Hard bed." With genuine concern, the abbot said, "I'm sorry your bed isn't comfortable. We'll see if we can get you another one."

Around his tenth year in the monastery, the abbot came to the young monk and said, "You may say two more words." "Cold food," the monk said. "We'll see what we can do," the abbot said.

On the monk's fifteenth anniversary, the abbot said again, "You may now speak two words." "I quit," the monk said. "It's probably for the best," replied the abbot. "You've done nothing but gripe since you got here."

Realize that you create your life with the words you choose.


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