Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Weekend

Weekend time to me is precious. This is what we work for all week--to have that quality downtime with my family. We try to make the most of every weekend.

I was watching a local news program this week and saw a segment on a new program being started here in Connecticut. It's called "No Child Left Inside." According to the web site, "No Child Left Inside is a special initiative of Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell, coordinated by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection to encourage Connecticut families and visitors alike to enjoy all the recreational resources and outdoor activities available in Connecticut's state parks, forests and waterways."

What a great program! We're all tired of being inside from the winter. I'm ready for spring, aren't you? The Governor's program encourages families to get outside and enjoy the beautiful space we have right outside our doors.

We are all under a lot of stress and pressure today. Wouldn't this be a great way to get outside breathe in some fresh air and be active while spending time with your family and at the same time reducing stress?

Maybe you're not in Connecticut, but I'm sure there is some type of program in your state or some way that you can take advantage of what your area has to offer. It's fun to get outside and take that time to discover new things.

Enjoy this weekend and soak in the sunshine!


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