Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Gratitude Booked on WTNH Channel 8!

Today is a great day!

I woke up in a great mood today, full of energy. I thought it felt really great and wondered how to make that happen everyday--when some mornings I'm so tired. Can I bottle it? :-)

I sent an inspirational text message to my buddies and then called Judy on my way to the gym to tell her that it was going to be a great day. I wanted to spread this amazing sunshine that I was feeling today.

I was so thrilled to get a call when I got into the office from our contact at Channel 8 where we appeared last May when we debuted our business. She wanted us to come in for a spot on Sunday morning, of course we were thrilled! (Talk about a great day!)

If you are in the local area, we will be on Channel 8 on Sunday morning at 7:23 am. If not, we'll post the link when it's up and you can watch the streaming video right from their site.

We were so excited and wanted to share it with our readers. We hope you get to watch!

Enjoy the evening,


P.S. I thought you might enjoy a photo of Judy and I from last May behind our display from which we were interviewed by the charismatic Matt Scott.

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